Mine udgivelser

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Mine udgivelser fra ph.d.-en:

Schultz, R., Brostrøm Kousgaard, M., & Davidsen, A. S. (2021). “We have two different agendas”: the views of general practitioners, social workers and hospital staff on interprofessional coordination for patients with chronic widespread pain. Journal of Interprofessional Care35(2), 284-292. Læs denne af mine udgivelser her

Schultz, R., la Cour, P., Kousgaard, M. B., & Davidsen, A. S. (2021). “My private theory is that it’s all in the head”: Understandings of chronic widespread pain among social workers from municipality job centers in Denmark. Health Psychology Open8(1).

Schultz R., Perspectives on Patient Trajectories on Chronic Widespread Pain – Patients’ and professionals’ experience of intersectoral trajectories, and municipality social workers’ understandings of chronic widespread pain. PhD-afhandling (2020).

Schultz R., Brostrøm Kousgaard M., la Cour P. & Davidsen A. Between three chairs: Experiences of being a patient with chronic widespread pain in an intersectoral setting in Denmark. Health Psychology Open (2019). Læs denne af mine udgivelser her

Mine udgivelser fra fagbøger:

Schultz R. Kognitiv adfærdsterapi, kap. 6 in Glintborg, C. (red.) (2018) Rehabiliteringspsykologi – en introduktion i teori og praksis. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Andre af mine udgivelser:

Schultz R. Copingstrategier ved fibromyalgi og kroniske neuropatiske smerter. Best Practice,Reumatologi, maj 2017.

Baastrup, S. Schultz R., Brødsgaard I., Moore R., Jensen T.S., Vase L., Bach F.W., Rosenberg R. & Gormsen L. A Comparison of Coping Strategies in Patients with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Neuropathic Pain, and Pain-Free Controls. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (2016), 57(6), 516-522.

La Cour P., Schmidt A.A. & Schultz R. Validation of the Danish-Language Injustice Experience Questionnaire. Journal of Health Psychology (2015).

Hansen K.E., Kesmodel U., Baldursson E., Schultz R. & Forman A. The influence of endometriosis related symptoms on work life and work ability: a study of Danish endometriosis patients in employment. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2013).

Schultz R., Baastrup S. & Hansen T. Psykoedukation som intervention mod kroniske smerter ved fibromyalgi. Akademisk Kvarter (2012).

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mine udgivelser